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An outdoor installation in Florida, USA

water purfication residential homes water softener

blog heading iconAn outdoor installation in Florida, USA

A homeowner testimonial who installed the Vulcan descaler in the home located in Sonoma County of California

Model: Vulcan 5000
Orlando, Florida (USA)
Installation Area: outside next to the house.

Our “Whole House Purification System” has been made possible with using the “Vulcan” water treatment system. In April 2013 the anti-scale system replaced the resin tank we used to remove the scale. Our system is now Maintenance Free.
remove hard water scale replace water softener
waslix logo purpose
Our philosophy is to foster a strong association between how clearly clean water will have a healthy biological influence on our bodies and preventative repairs and maintenance to our homes and businesses.
Direct Contact:
Cell: 412-848-5058