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Beijing Kunlun Hotel vulcan mineral descaler

blog heading iconVillage in Spain removes mineral scale from 1,640 foot well water pipe

Typically, we would often have to clean the scale from the pipe and filters but after installing the Vulcan this has not been necessary.
Crystal City Community vulcan prevents scaling on heat exchangers

blog heading iconCrystal City Community

Vulcan mineral descaler used to solve the scaling problems for the heating system in the entire community. The heating area is 100,000 square meters.
Police Academy Vulcan S10 descaler removed mineral scale installed

blog heading iconPolice Academy (Beijing)

The Vulcan electronic mineral descalers extend cleaning time, improve the operating efficiency, saves gas cost, keeps pipeline system clean and to solve shower nozzle scaling problems.
Wuxi Fuhui Temple vulcan electronic hard water descaler

blog heading iconWuxi Fuhui Temple uses Vulcan descaling technology to remove mineral scale

The monks need to solve the scaling problems of the pipes, and the domestic water boilers were scaled on the inner walls.
Vulcan removes scale from heating station pipes

blog heading iconVulcan electronic impulse technology removes scale from heating stations

This installation was a government project and before the Vulcan descalers were installed it took a great deal of effort and expense to clean the heat exchangers. The Vulcan system has already proven its effectiveness since it has greatly prolonged the cleaning intervals. This government contract has reported they are very satisfied with the results of the Vulkcan descalers being able to effectively solve mineral scaling problems of the heat exchangers.
Steinbeis Institute electronic hard water descaler 3

blog heading iconSteinbeis Institute- Center For Environmental Chemistry

This test showed that the tendency to form lime deposits is reduced considerably by the “Vulcan 5000” water-treatment device. In addition, the effect continues for some days after “Vulcan 5000” has been switched off.
Area of Anoia fights limescale problems

blog heading iconWater Supply for the Area of Anoia

We installed several Vulcan units just before the water meters, which were always filled with calcium and often become clogged. Because of these problems, we would have to change them frequently.
St. Olavs Church hard water descaler 4

blog heading iconSt. Olav’s Church Los Angeles

We decided to replace the water softener with the Vulcan Descaler 3000 unit. The result now is amazing, the clogging of the shower nozzles is gone, and the kitchen faucet nozzles are spraying evenly and our commercial grade dishwasher is cleaner and works better. We use a lot less detergent when doing laundry as the Vulcan 3000 makes the detergent work so much better.
McClean Public Restrooms fights limescale problems

blog heading iconMc Clean Public Restrooms

The visible scale deposits are less and the cleaning is much easier than without Vulcan – with less need of chemicals. Also the scale deposits of the cisterns and shower heads are much less, so we have less maintenance costs. We recommend your Vulcan system and we will install more Vulcan systems in further of our sanitary stations in Switzerland.
Phillip Best Plumbing remove limescale from pipes

blog heading iconPhillip Best Plumbing

The units, which allow scale particles to be washed away, are not only proving to be successful in commercial and industrial applications, but in private homes with scale and rust problems.
ifco hard water descaler treatment

blog heading iconIFCO Reusable Plastic Containers

After confirming the effectiveness of the Vulcan, we have installed S100 units on all 5 washing stations within the Chicago IFCO plant.
Zhongnanhai hard water scale free

blog heading iconState Council Office – Zhongnanhai

In order to solve the scale problem on heat exchange, 2 x Vulcan S25 were installed in a heat supply station for daily life water in Zhongnanhai.
Yuqiao District Heating Station hard water scale free

blog heading iconYuqiao District Heating Station

Vulcan Descaler is used to solve the scaling problem of heat exchanger in the heating station. Yuqiao district is located in Dalian city, with in total about 160,000 square meters, 1300 households and 3900 people.
Tibetan Temple Sichuan hard water descaler

blog heading iconThe Tibetan Temple in Sichuan

Before Vulcan installed, we used electric stove to boil water, there was hard scale in the pots, and we had to scrub very hardly to clean every month. After installing Vulcan for a month, the scale has been reduced and the pots are cleaner without any cleaning in this month.
Global Hydration relief efforts

blog heading iconVIQUA Pro Series Aiding Global Hydration in Disaster Relief Efforts

Global Hydration ( is an industry leader that specializes in portable water purification systems for emergency preparedness, disaster relief and humanitarian aid and works on the United States Project MERF (Medical Emergency Response Facility). In 2005, Global Hydration released Can Pure™ Water Purification System that includes multiple models of highly portable water treatment systems and includes the VIQUA Pro 10. Their device is capable of producing 25,000 Liters Per Day of safe drinking water from any fresh water source.
viqua uv beckwith township

blog heading iconVIQUA Professional Plus Pro UV Disinfection Series Brings Water Confidence Back to Beckwith Township

Home to around 6400 people, Beckwith Township comprises a handful of villages and hamlets in Eastern Ontario. As well as fertile farmland, forests and wetlands, the township boasts the Mississippi Lake and River, and the Jock River. A larger underground aquifer supplies the private wells of the residents. Despite the wealth of water resources possessed by this idyllic township, residents have faced serious water stress in recent years. The presence of contaminants of concern robbed them of water confidence, until the Township chose a multi-barrier solution that included the unparalleled protection of the VIQUA Professional Plus Pro Series.
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Our philosophy is to foster a strong association between how clearly clean water will have a healthy biological influence on our bodies and preventative repairs and maintenance to our homes and businesses.
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