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Beijing Kunlun Hotel vulcan mineral descaler

blog heading iconWell water residence notices significent improvements

The most profound change was the lack of deposits on all the usual places: the dishes, all faucets and showerheads.
Habitat Suites Hotel vulcan anti scale water softener energy efficient

blog heading iconHabitat Suites

Vulcan descalers are used at Habitat Suites Hotel to extend the lifespan of their water heater, improve energy efficiency and sufficiently heat all the water during peak operating hours.
Chrysler vulcan cleans calcium buildup

blog heading iconChrysler Cars Factory/ Transmission Plant

Chrysler saves $15,000 per Machine/Year. Before the Vulcan was installed, there would be a 12 mm calcium buildup in the nozzle by this time and they would exchange it with one that had been acid cleaned.
AmeriPride Uniform Services vulcan electronic hard water mineral descaler

blog heading iconAmeriPride Uniform Services

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center vulcan descaler treatment

blog heading iconHITACHI Manufacturing plant for Cancer Treatment

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Salvation Army vulcan hard water mineral descaler

blog heading iconSalvation Army Retirement Home

Vulcan S100 installed on the cleaning system
quest resort and casino vulcan descaler electric

blog heading iconQuest Resort and Casino

Norwegian Cruise Ship

Norwegian Cruise Ship Norwegian Cruise Shi vulcan mineral descaler

blog heading iconNorwegian Cruise Ship

powerhouse gyms vulcan descaler

blog heading icon Powerhouse Gym

Moriarty Travel Center vulcan electronic hard water descaler

blog heading iconMoriarty Travel Center

In our truck stop we have to always clean up after it. The showers are a particular problem. From clogged shower heads, to constant cleaning and scrubbing to keep them clean.
Alpha Delta Pi at Florida State University installs vulcan descaler

blog heading iconAlpha Delta Pi at Florida State University

The Vulcan electronic descaler removes scale build up from the water system serving the commercial kitchen and bathrooms.
confort inn logo

blog heading iconVulcan descaling saves thousands for a hotel owner in Moriarty, New Mexico

Anyone familiar with Moriarty knows that the water here is awful. We battle with water hardness like no other place I know. Our hotel had been spending thousands of dollars installing water softeners and going through excessive amounts of salt and descaler to try to keep up. This would manifest itself in calcium buildup in our kitchen and bathroom fixtures, our ice machine, and our pool. We installed the Vulcan S100 and the Vulcan 5000 on your pool and the transformation at our facility has been nothing short of astounding.
vulcan descaler remove calcium scale build up

blog heading iconThe Vulcan has been a worthwhile purchase

About three weeks after installation, in early January, I heard water running outside. I went to the back of my home and discovered the outside faucet there running at full stream. This faucet did not work at all and now it was running at or near full flow. All because of Vulcan. Just 2 months after installing the Vulcan, I went to take a shower and I noticed the faucet was completely free of calcium and operating like new.

An outdoor installation in Florida, USA

water purfication residential homes water softener

blog heading iconAn outdoor installation in Florida, USA

A homeowner testimonial who installed the Vulcan descaler in the home located in Sonoma County of California
vulcan remove hard water Sonoma County

blog heading iconSonoma County, CA remove hard water scale

A homeowner testimonial who installed the Vulcan descaler in the home located in Sonoma County of California
water purfication residential homes florida

blog heading iconFlorida State Residential Homes

A few examples of the Vulcan 5000 installed in Florida homes
Riverview Hospital hard water scale free

blog heading iconRiverview Hospital

Used in the pool's main skimmer line and the main pool line
St. Olavs Church hard water descaler 4

blog heading iconSt. Olav’s Church Los Angeles

We decided to replace the water softener with the Vulcan Descaler 3000 unit. The result now is amazing, the clogging of the shower nozzles is gone, and the kitchen faucet nozzles are spraying evenly and our commercial grade dishwasher is cleaner and works better. We use a lot less detergent when doing laundry as the Vulcan 3000 makes the detergent work so much better.
ifco hard water descaler treatment

blog heading iconIFCO Reusable Plastic Containers

After confirming the effectiveness of the Vulcan, we have installed S100 units on all 5 washing stations within the Chicago IFCO plant.
FAMU FSU College of Engineering hard water descaler

blog heading iconFAMU/FSU College of Engineering

 By August 20th, about a month after installation, the green biofilm had almost completely disappeared from the surfaces in contact with the Vulcan-treated water. The Vulcan does not change the water quality beyond its effect on its propensity to cause scale buildup.
waslix logo purpose
Our philosophy is to foster a strong association between how clearly clean water will have a healthy biological influence on our bodies and preventative repairs and maintenance to our homes and businesses.
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Cell: 412-848-5058