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chemecial factory uses teh vulcan frequency descaler

blog heading iconVulcan S25 installed on a chemical factory chiller lines -

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Karnavati Club Hotel vulcan prevents scaling

blog heading iconKarnavati Club Hotel uses Vulcan descaler to replace commercial water softeners

The prestigious Karnavati Club Hotel in Ahmedabad, India replaced their commercial water softeners with electronic hard water mineral descalers to remove mineral scaling in the hotel and swimming pool.
Hetero hard water mineral descaler

blog heading iconHetero Pharmaceutical uses Vulcan to eliminate scaling from cooling tower evaporative condenser tubes

Hetero Pharmaceutical facilities have 35 cooling towers and before installing the Vulcan anti-scale device they experienced excessive scaling outside of the evaporative condenser tubes.
waslix logo purpose
Our philosophy is to foster a strong association between how clearly clean water will have a healthy biological influence on our bodies and preventative repairs and maintenance to our homes and businesses.
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