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Beijing Kunlun Hotel vulcan mineral descaler

blog heading iconWell water residence notices significent improvements

The most profound change was the lack of deposits on all the usual places: the dishes, all faucets and showerheads.
Beijing Kunlun Hotel vulcan mineral descaler

blog heading iconVilla Residence in China

Before installing Vulcan 5000, the scale had to be cleaned manually. 3 Months after the installation, there was no scale deposits at the bottom of the kettle or on the showerheads, scale in the water pipe and toilet was significantly reduced.
Beijing Kunlun Hotel vulcan mineral descaler

blog heading iconGermany- Residential Owner

The water in the shower feels much softer and my coffee tastes better
New Villa in Morocco vulcan descaler

blog heading iconNew Villa in Morocco

Sanitary, shower heads, kitchen, house equipments and the whole piping system
remove hard water scale family

blog heading iconAfter years of dealing with the disadvantages of calcification

After 2 weeks we saw first-hand that many of the products claims were impressively true
vulcan descaler remove calcium scale build up

blog heading iconThe Vulcan has been a worthwhile purchase

About three weeks after installation, in early January, I heard water running outside. I went to the back of my home and discovered the outside faucet there running at full stream. This faucet did not work at all and now it was running at or near full flow. All because of Vulcan. Just 2 months after installing the Vulcan, I went to take a shower and I noticed the faucet was completely free of calcium and operating like new.
water purfication residential homes water softener

blog heading iconAn outdoor installation in Florida, USA

A homeowner testimonial who installed the Vulcan descaler in the home located in Sonoma County of California
vulcan descaler helps gardens grow

blog heading iconOur pipes are completely clear with no signs of the iron scale at all

Within 3 months of installing the Vulcan Descaler the iron residual and sludge disappeared from our pipes. I’m staggered by the results. The pipe was completely clear and there were no signs of the iron scale at all. A reliable and clean sprinkler system is very important for us to maintain a healthy garden. The CWT system has saved me an enormous amount of time and money and I’m no longer cleaning sprinkler heads or replacing the solenoids in the reticulation system.
vulcan descaler cleans shower and bathtub

blog heading iconWe look forward to a life without further ‘calcification’.

our massage shower head has recovered its full efficiency without any effort on my part. Previously, this was only achievable through regular intensive cleaning and soaking the head in detergents for a long period of time.
vulcan electronic hard water descaler clean bathroom

blog heading iconMy wife is very happy now!

For 8 years now I have been wondering how for example taps and safety valves can be kept free of scale and rust, now I know the reason why.
vulcan descaler makes your hair soft

blog heading iconI have noticed that my hair feels softer after washing it

We installed the Vulcan descaler in 2010 and after 4 months we were amazed to see the positive difference. I have noticed that my hair feels softer after washing it without using any additional hair products. Our shower screen and he bathroom fittings are easier to clean with less effort and fewer very cleaning agents.
vulcan anti scale cleans shower heads

blog heading iconThe water in our area is extremely calciferous

The Vulcan device has shown effect one week after it was installed. We replaced the filters in the bath fixtures during the installation of the device and since this time they have remained free of scale, as has the shower head.
remove hard water scale australia

blog heading iconThe Vulcan saves me an enormous amount of time and energy

In June 2011 I installed the Vulcan device and after just 1 month I noticed a huge difference. The Vulcan system is also well priced and simple to install. Because it carefully dissolves the scale, my irrigation system is virtually maintenance free and there's no need to change the filters. This saves me an enormous amount of time and energy.
vulcan remove hard water Sonoma County

blog heading iconSonoma County, CA remove hard water scale

A homeowner testimonial who installed the Vulcan descaler in the home located in Sonoma County of California
water purfication residential homes florida

blog heading iconFlorida State Residential Homes

A few examples of the Vulcan 5000 installed in Florida homes
waslix logo purpose
Our philosophy is to foster a strong association between how clearly clean water will have a healthy biological influence on our bodies and preventative repairs and maintenance to our homes and businesses.
Direct Contact:
Cell: 412-848-5058