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Hyundai Motors vulcan descales after 6 months

blog heading iconHyundai Motors-car engine manufacturing factory

Before installing the Vulcan electronic hard water mineral descaler, Hyundai Motor Ulsan had mineral scale problems in the pipelines and the induction hardening machine. The factory also had 9 secondary small pipes that had to be manually cleaned every 2-3 months.

Model: Vulcan S25
Location: Korea
Installation Area: A cold water circulation pipeline for the cooling tower and the induction hardening machine

Mineral Scale Problems:

  • Scale problems in the pipelines and the induction hardening machine.
  • There are 9 secondary small pipes, they had to be cleaned manually every 2-3 months.

Vulcan Effect:

Installation of a Vulcan S25 unit: 21 May 2018
Note: scale was not manually removed before the Vulcan was fitted on source pipe (see photo).

Examination of secondary piping: 21 November 2018
1. Since Vulcan S25 was installed, the Hyundai Engineering Team has stopped the regular manual cleaning process.
Observation: the flow rate with the Vulcan unit is now even higher than immediately after previous manual cleaning had been done.

2. After Vulcan S25 had been installed for 6 months, the secondary pipes were opened: scale that had been left in piping had disappeared and all 9 secondary pipes had become clean (see photo).
Observation: Biofilms in the cooling tower had disappeared since the Vulcan unit was installed.

Hyundai Motors vulcan mineral scale removed
Vulcan S25 was installed around 50 meter before the induction hardening machine.
Hyundai Motors vulcan hard water mineral descaler
There are 9 secondary small pipes with water meters. These meters were installed to make sure a stable flow rate. If the flow rate goes down, it would cause a problem of the induction hardening machine. Therefore, the pipes had to be cleaned manually every 2-3 months.

Hyundai Motors vulcan descaler removes scale before
First Inspection: 21 May 2018. Inside of a secondary small pipe, before Vulcan S25 was installed.
Hyundai Motors vulcan descaler removes scale after
Last Inspection: 21 November 2018. After 6 months with Vulcan treatment: the pipe is free of scale.
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