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VacMet eco friendly hardwater descaler

blog heading iconVacMet Coating & Engraving Service

Based on our savings alone, the Vulcan descaler has already paid for itself. An additional benefit has been in the greatly reduced amount of cooling tower maintenance. The calcium buildup has been miniscule and the little bit that has accumulated can be easily washed away with a garden hose and nozzle.
Spokane Public Schools combat hard water buildup 1

blog heading iconRoosevelt Elementary School & Shaw Middle School

Spokane, WA schools now have 6 Vulcan units installed. The tower was full of scale when we started and after 4 weeks, scale started to fall of in big chunks and now it is completely scale free.
Neptune Seafood Restaurant colling tower scale free logo

blog heading iconNeptune Seafood Restaurant

The tower was dirty/not cleaned before the Vulcan was installed. Since the Vulcan installation, the cooling towers have been scale free and there has been no need for any chemical treatment.
Commercial Cold Storage treat hardwater scale 2

blog heading iconCommercial Cold Storage

Installed on main water line connected to 3 cooling towers
iceland rink treat hard water

blog heading iconIce Land Stadium- Ice Rink

Treating water used for ice production
waslix logo purpose
Our philosophy is to foster a strong association between how clearly clean water will have a healthy biological influence on our bodies and preventative repairs and maintenance to our homes and businesses.
Direct Contact:
Cell: 412-848-5058